Saturday, April 21, 2012

What in the world will I do with a blogspot?

After months of debating whether "blogging" was right for me - I came to a conclusion.  Which I am assuming is painfully obvious to those of you reading this post. 
But why? And what in the world do I have to possibly write about?
Well I have about a million interests, ideas & comments that I happen to think are just downright amazing and, after all, who wouldn't want to partake in these terrific thoughts with me? Right?
So you might be thinking to yourself; well, that doesn't quite clarify what to expect in the coming blogs. And in all honesty, I can't quite assure you in much of anything. 

At this point, what I do know is that I have some very pressing ideas in my head spawned by my interest in cooking, the more natural ways of living and my concerns about raising a family in an over-processed world with little moral or economical concerns. I'm sure there are many more radical ideas floating around up there, but I am nearly 9 months pregnant and a severe case of mommy brain has been noted recently.

 I do know that I hope to follow my attempt to get my Etsy shop blissfullywholesome: up and off the ground soon.  It's going to be filled with wonderful concoctions that I've come up with in the heart of my cozy little kitchen.  Yummy homemade treats like organic protein bars, flavored sugars and spices, jams, granolas,  etc. will be lining the Etsy shop shelves soon.  Eventually, I would like to take my creations to the next level; possibly even the tables of the locals farmers market.  Hold tight for this, I'm bursting with ideas that I've been accumulating for months and have notebooks full of possibilities.
I do know that I have an immense and passionate itch for (as I refer to them) RRRRRU endeavors - Re-use, Recycle, Re-purpose, Re-invent, Re-claimed and Up-cycled. So likely, in the future you will probably see furniture or small projects that I am working on.  Sometimes to keep and sometimes to sell to the unsuspecting and ever-interested (I'm sure) public. 

I do know that I am driven to write a recipe book in the coming year years and have begun doing this, so please stay posted for some innovative recipes - I also love to read any suggestions you might have on ingredients you would like to see worked into something new and exciting.

I do know that at some point you will probably read of my new mommy accomplishments and failures (live & learn) these may involve my attempts to cloth diaper and make home-made baby food.  Those posts may also involve other more unusual such things as my attempt to encapsulate my own placenta (please stay tuned post-delivery) and co-sleeping rituals.

I also know that some of you WILL be offended by what I will write..sorry "blog".. about in the coming months.  I intend to be a cloth-diapering, frugal and couponing, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, baby-wearing blogger who makes my own organic granola to sell on Etsy.  But - Please don't be discouraged yet and read on for my next blog....

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